Neighbourhood Matching Fund

Rotorua District Council has introduced a Neighbourhood Matching Fund in its Annual Plan 2014-15.

Groups applying for funding under this scheme do not need to be part of a legal organisation – it can just be a group of people taking responsibility for a particular project.

Types of Projects Eligible for Funding

The fund is intended to provide funding for self-help community projects, for example:

  • tidy up a stream or lakes areas;
  • building a community garden;
  • street coming together to clean up the street;
  • revitalising spaces – e.g. play areas.

Communities need to initiate, plan and undertake the work. The fund covers expenses such as food, tools, skip, equipment, permits, playground equipment, marketing materials, concrete work, and electrical work.


RDC has set some priorities for allocating funding:

  • Bringing people together to collaborate on neighbourhood projects;
  • Empowering people to enhance and strengthen their own neighbourhood;
  • Contributing to families and whanau working, playing and talking together;
  • Renewing and revitalisation of places and spaces within neighbourhoods;
  • Improving the quality of life in a specific community or neighbourhood;
  • Projects that contribute to RDC’s community outcomes.

Calculating how to match funding against Community input:

The value of Community input can be calculated in several ways:

  • volunteer labour (calculated at $15 per hour/per volunteer);
  • donated materials;
  • donated professional services;
  • cash;
  • a mixture of the above.

Funding Rounds – When can you apply?

$150,000 has been set aside for projects in the current financial year. There are two major funding rounds, with the next funding round due to close on 18 October 2014 (for projects up to $20,000 or more).

Funding is also available throughout the year on a monthly basis for small projects, if approved.

The ‘group’ does not need to be part of a legal organisation – it can just be a group of people taking responsibility for a particular project.

For further information or assistance you can contact your Community Board member Phill Thomass ( or 0275-47-44-55) who will be happy to help you put an application together, or you can contact Carole Parker at RDC – - Phone 07 351 8115.

Become a Member

At $15 (plus voluntary donation) the cost of membership is low, and it allows us to continue to represent the Lake Rotoiti community at district, regional, and central government level.

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